1:- neither of them / are going to attend / the party on 10th october./ no error
2:- He walked five miles which are really a great distance / for a man like him who is not only old but also ill/ ne
3:- Either my colleague / or a peon are comming home / with the material today/ ne
4:- The rise and fall / of the tide are due / to lunar influence/ ne
5:- many a man / have succumbed / to this temptation / ne
6:- The introduction of tea, coffee/ and such other beverages / have not been without some effect/ ne
7:- The newer type of automatic machines / wash / clothes faster/ ne
8:- each of the students in the computer class / has to type/ their own research paper this semester/ ne
9:- everyone of the films / you suggested / are not worth seeing/ ne
10:- The secretary and /principal of the college are attending / the district development council meeting at the collectorate/ ne
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