- Tank where fish or water plants are kept- aquarium
- Artificial lake for restoring water- reservoir & dam
- Art of science of flying in aircraft - aeronautics
- Art or technology of making objects from clay- ceramics
- Art and science of building constructions- architecture
- Art of performing acrobatic acts- acrobatics
- Art of map making - cartography
- Express in few words- laconic
- Being economical in speech- laconic
- Being connected with different racial groups- ethinic
- Behaviour meant to hurt or kill people- malic
- Bed for a new born baby- cradle & crib
- Beating of the heart- pulsation
- Bearing young by eggs- oviparous
- Bearing living young - viviparous
- Baggage of a traveller- luggage
- Badge or distinguishing mark of an office- insignia
- Being familiar with many different countries- cosmopolitian
- Belonging to thing by its very nature- intrinsic
- Belief that the only reality in the world is spirit- spiritualism
- Belief that pleasure is the chief end- hedonism
- Belief that nothing can be said about the existence- agnosticism
- Belief that all people are equal and have the same rights and opportunities- egalitarianism
- Belief that opinion contrary to what is accepted- heresy
- Belief or notion not based on reason or knowledge- superstition
- Belief accepted without questions- dogma
Reviewed by TEAM 1
April 10, 2015

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