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Daily English Quiz 25/8/2017

1.While Hari  was away on a long official tour /
his office recieve an important letter / which was marked urgent ./ no error
2. We can't handle complicated case today / unless full details are not given / to us by them / No error

3. I have read an interesting book yesterday/ and underlined the important words/ which were simple but interesting ./No error 
4.  Career SSC website is making/ every possible effort to provide the best material/ and personal attention to each students./ No error

5.You have done everything/ that could be done to avert /the storm which is now coming on./no error
6. Shayam loved his guru /and gave him fullest loyalty yet /he has his own independent way of thinking ./ no error

7. The statement made by/ the author seems to be correct as /Gandhi ji was never born in Champaran./No error

8. The Reason why Shayam/ was rejected was /because he was too young ./ No error

9. Now-a-days /fifty rupees is /not a large amount./ No error

10. This variety of/ shirt is superior/ than any other in the shop./No error

Answer will be post in comment section

Daily English Quiz 25/8/2017 Daily English Quiz 25/8/2017 Reviewed by TEAM 1 on August 26, 2017 Rating: 5


  1. 1. Received
    2. Remove 'Not'
    3. I read
    4.Each Student
    5. could have been done
    6. give him has fullest loyalty yet
    7. Gandhi ji was not born in Champaran
    8. The Reason why Shayam was rejected was that he was too young
    9. No error
    10. Superior to

  2. 1. Received
    2. Remove 'Not'
    3. I read
    4.Each Student
    5. could have been done
    6. give him has fullest loyalty yet
    7. Gandhi ji was not born in Champaran
    8. The Reason why Shayam was rejected was that he was too young
    9. No error
    10. Superior to


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