इस पोस्ट में 10 प्रश्न एरर डिटेक्शन से सम्बंधित पोस्ट किए जा रहे है जो आर्टिकल चैप्टर से लिए गए है।
(1):- The most happy /marriage would be/a union of a deaf man and a blind man./no error
(2)Kithi suggested to/ his son that he should/ go to the school regularly and do his home work sincerely./No error
(3) The Greek peoples/are considerd/very brave./no error
(4) His father / asked him to go / to the temple every morning./no error
(5) There was little/ milk in the refrigerator and she gave it/to her crying son./ no error
(6) He leads / a very luxurious life/ so he goes to every part of India by a car./No error.
(7) Thanks to an effort/ and persistence the doctor, the victims of the blast/ have been able to start a normal life again./no error
(8) In a hour's time / I will be back /but now I have to go./no error
(9) Terrorist organizations / kill innocent people/to spread a violence./No error
(10)Whole world is / today facing the threat of extinction/due to inventions of science./No error.
10- Whole के पहले the का यूज़ होगा
9-violenc एक uncountable noun है इसलिए इसके पहले कोई आर्टिकल नहीं लगेगा
8-an hours time सही प्रयोग है
7-the effort का प्रयोग होगा
6-by car का प्रयोग होगा
5-a little का प्रयोग होगा
4-to temple is correct
3-remove peoples
2-go to school
1-the union
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