Laic-A place where a wild animal rests or sleeps
Lalophobia-fear of speaking
Laminate-To cover with thin sheets of metal or plastic
Lapidist-One who cuts precious stones
Lascivious-Lewd,arousing sexual desire
Lavatory-Room which toilet facilities
Lecher-A man who behaves characterlessly
Ledger-A book of accounts showing debits and credits
Leer-A shy look that is lustful
Legacy-The property left to someone by a will
Legible-clear enough to be read
Leonine - like a lion
Lethal-causing death
Lewd-vulgar, obscene
Lexicography-writing of dictionary
Licentious-Man of lax moral
Limerick-A humorous short poem with five lines
Limnology-The study of lakes and other fresh other waters
Limpid-transparent, Clear
Linguist-studies the science of language
Lithe-Easily bent, Flexible
Lithologist-one who studies the science of rocks and minarets
Lithotomist-One who remove the stones from kidney
Litigant-Somebody engaged in a lawsuit
Logomania-Mania for talking
Logophobia-fear of words
Lollapalooza-An outstanding or outrageous example of its kind
Lowbrow-one who has no interest in literature, art etc
Lucid- Clear and easily understood
Lullaby-A pleasant song sung to send children to sleep
Lunatic-mad pesron
Lustful-sexual desire person
Lutanist-one who plays lute
Logophobia-fear of darkness
Magnanimous-generous person
Magnify- To make anything appear larger
Malcontent-Person who is always dissatisfied
Male chauvinist- one who believe in the dominance of man over woman
Malicious- a man who is full of jealous
Malgin-To defame
Malinger-To feign illness
Manic-Somebody who behaves in an uncontrolled manner
Mansard-sloped roof
Manumission-Releasing from slavery
Marrow-essential part
Mascot- A person , animal or thing that becomes the symbol of particular group
Masochist-one who enjoys receiving pain
Matinee-A cinema show which is held in the afternoon
Matriarchy- A system of government where only women rule
mausoleum-A magnificent tomb
Medicore- one who ia neither intelligent nor dull
Megalomania- the belief that one is extremely important
Mellifluous-Sweet sounding
Mercenary- one who works for own profuit(भाड़े पर काम करने वाले)
Mesmerism- the power of fascnate somebody
Meteorologist-study of whether
Mint- a place where money is coined
Thanks .........
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