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1-A chill wind blew / and icy fingers of deth / crept up my spine/ no error

2:- Such rules / do not apply to / you and I / no error

3- IIM Calcatta's MBA programme/ is regarded/ as the finest in the country./ no error

4:-The river has overflown /its/ banks/ no error

5:-One of the most widely spred bad habit is the use of tobacco./ no error.

1- creep in / into something= to begin to happen or affect something.
So in this sentence we use " creep into my spine".

2:-use:- you and me

4:-Overflow- overflowed ( past) √
   Overflown ×

3:- as the finest in our country

5:- one of the + plural noun/ plural pronoun+ singular verb

So here we use bad habits.


SSC-CGL-TIER-1(19-10-2014 TEST NO.333TL4 EVENING ) ERROR SSC-CGL-TIER-1(19-10-2014 TEST NO.333TL4 EVENING ) ERROR Reviewed by TEAM 1 on April 23, 2015 Rating: 5

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