1- The new railway line will greatly improve / transport and communication/ in eastern part of the country./ no error
2:- The receptionist asked me/ who do I want / to meet in the office./ no error
3:- The criminal was sentenced to death / and was hung for his crime./ no error
4:- He said that / he will help me / secure a decent job. / no error
5:- The villagers fled away their houses / when they saw / the flood water rising./ no error
1- Noun + of + noun, construction मे first noun के पहले The प्रयोग होता है। अत: यहाँ पर The eastern part of country होगा।
2:-in this sentence , Reporting clause is in past tense ,so reported clause should be past tense
Correct use :- Whom I wanted
3:- use hanged instead of hung
We know
Hang ( लटकना) :- hung ( v2) , hung ( v3)
Hang(फाँसी देना) :- hanged, hanged
4:-use would inplace of will,because reporting clause is in past tense
5:- away is superfluous
Fled= run away,hurry away
Akshay sinha
( content creator)
Anurag singh

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